We Achieve Our Mission By Helping You Achieve Yours.
As a nonprofit, we work to create mentoring networks of support, opportunity, and belonging that leave no one in the margins and are laser-focused on helping our partners expand their service and impact to support people and communities often hardest to reach.
Unlike other mentoring tech companies, our bottomline is social impact. Our platform and services are centered on the needs of those least likely to be served by traditional mentoring programs. Through them, we bolster the capacity of mission-aligned partners working to increase the health, wellbeing, and prosperity of those they serve.

The MentorHub Difference
MentorHub is a mentoring platform built by and for youth-serving nonprofits to help youth-serving programs of different sizes and models improve mentoring practice and deliver high-impact mentoring to more people.
So Much More Than a Communication Tool
Virtual communication is just the beginning. Matches that meet in person can still use MentorHub to set and track progress on goals, get suggestions for activities, and access program support in real time without ever using the platform for communication.

A Mentor Development Tool
MentorHub facilitates evidence-based match interaction by giving mentors access to ongoing support and on-demand resources that increase their ability to provide effective and affirming support to their mentees – in real time.
One Platform For All Your Programming
Whether one-to-one or group; curriculum or match-based; long or short-term; goal-focused or developmental, MentorHub is built to support effective mentoring in all its forms.
Designed For Use With Young People, Adaptable For Use With Adults
Most mentoring platforms are created for use by adults in the workplace. MentorHub’ s youth-centered design includes gamification, safety, and youth development features. But don’t worry! It can be adapted for use by adult mentoring programs too.
Choose Your Own Curricula Or Use Mentorhub’s Curated Content
Many platforms lock you into using a specific curriculum. MentorHub is the only platform created for young people that can deliver content or curricula of your choosing.
Accessible &
With help from our donors, MentorHub provides subsidized or free use of our technology platform to eligible programs serving people facing geographic, structural and/or social barriers to support.