What apps are linked through MentorHub?

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Based on a Mentee’s response to the Mood Ring, MentorHub recommends apps to help with the top challenges identified. These recommendations can be found from the MentorHub Mentee app in the “More” tab, “Third Party Apps” under “Recommended”. A simple process will log the app usage for any app in MentorHub. When an app is recommended within MentorHub, click on the recommended app’s name, which will then open the appropriate app in the app store (Apple App Store or Google Play store). Download the app from the app store. Once the app is downloaded, go back to the MentorHub app before you start using the recommended app. The recommended app will now appear in the ‘More’ tab, “Third Party Apps” under “My Apps” in MentorHub.

To keep track of app usage, please make sure that Mentees launch apps from within this tab in MentorHub each time they use it. Do this by tapping on the name of the app and click “Open App” in the pop-up. This is a very important step to make sure that MentorHub can track Mentees’ usage of an app. When the app launches, MentorHub will know that a Mentee is using the app and can show this to their Mentor.

From there, MentorHub will track the usage of that app for the day. If this information doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry. Check again at the end of the day to see if a usage point has been logged in the system. If it is still not visible, ask the Mentor to to update the point for any date that the Mentee used a partner app.

Special cases

In some cases, MentorHub is able to track Mentees’ use of partner apps without launching it from MentorHub. The apps that currently support this functionality are Intellicare and Superbetter.

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