Program Manager/Match Support Specialist: What are the Goals and Guides Dashboards?

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You can see the process to Goals and Guides from the Mentee’s perspective at this article.

Navigating Goals

Mentors and Mentees can create and assign Goals that the Mentee wants to accomplish.  Goals for the mentee can be viewed by Program Managers (PMS) and Match Support Specialists (MSS) through the Mentee’s profile within the Mentee Dashboard.

To view Goals for a specific Mentee, click on a specific Mentee’s page (their name) from the “Mentees” tab, then click on the “Goals” tab at top within that Mentee’s page.  Creating and achieving goals is an important aspect of the mentoring process. With MentorHub, PM, MSS, and Mentors/Mentees can create, view, and edit their goals to ensure they are on track to achieving success. These goals are essential for creating and assigning Guides, which provide helpful direction for mentees to meet their objectives.

Navigating Guides

Mentors can help their Mentees achieve their specific goals by assigning them a Guide filled with activities related to their goals. For example, a Mentee whose goal is to “explore my feelings” could be assigned the “Braving Big Emotions” Guide. A “Guide” serves as an organizational framework for a set of individual activities. There are three tabs for guides: Organization Guides, MentorHub Guides, and Program Guides.

  • MentorHub Guides are carefully crafted by our system admin and serve as the perfect launching pad to begin your mentoring journey. Please note that they cannot be edited, but they provide a solid foundation to build upon.
  • Creating Organization Guides is a collaborative effort between the Program Administrators (Org Admins, PMs, MSS). These Guides can be copied from MentorHub Guides or created from scratch by Program Administrators. Consider Organization Guides as a starting point before making any final decisions about which guides should be active in the program.
  • Think of Program Guides as the ultimate version of the Guides that are currently being utilized and are accessible to all Mentors and Mentees in your program. To ensure that the Guides are visible and available to your program’s Mentors and Mentees, they must be located in the Program Guides tab.

To easily find the Guides you need, use the filters at the top next to “Refine By” and select your preferred category, grade, age group, or program type.

To add a MentorHub Guide to Organization Guides or Program Guides, locate the Guide under the MentorHub Guide tab, click the three dots under “Actions” on the right-hand side, and select “Clone”. A copy of the Guide will appear under the Organization Guide tab. Check the box on the Organization Guide tab, and click the “Assign to Program” blue button to make the copy visible and accessible to mentors and mentees in the Program Guides tab. Remember, the Guide must be in the Program Guides tab for it to be visible and accessible to program mentors and mentees.

Creating New Guides

Program Administrators have the ability to create their own Guides tailored specifically for your program. To create a new Guide, simply click on the “New Guide” blue icon located in the top right-hand corner of your screen. A popup will appear with various fields to fill out regarding your new Guide. Choose a catchy and informative title for your Guide under “Title” and provide a brief yet detailed description under “Description”. You can choose a category to place your Guide under by selecting one from the “Category” dropdown, which includes options such as Arts & Culture, Career, Community Engagement, Education & Life Skills, Health & Wellbeing, Recreation & Social Competency, and Relationships. If applicable, choose an age range or target grade under the appropriate dropdown. Under “Points Per Activity”, type in the number of points you want to reward your Mentee with upon completing a specific activity (the max number of points is 10). You can also select a program type (community-based, site-based, virtual) specific to your mentoring program. If your curriculum is evidence-based (there is scientific evidence to directly support its effectiveness), check off “Evidence-Based”. Once you’re done filling out the fields, click on “Add Guide” located at the bottom of the popup. Your newly created Guide will appear under the Organization Guides tab.

What are Badges?

Badges are awarded to your Mentees once they complete corresponding activities. Click on the name of your Guide to add the Guide’s first Badge! You can also choose to grant a badge by clicking the “Grant Badge” button within the Mentee’s Dashboard if a Mentee has completed all relevant tasks and you decide to award it to them to recognize their effort. Choose a category for your Badge from the dropdown list, give it a name (including a subcategory if you want), choose an icon, provide a description, and click “Add Badge”. To view details about a specific Guide or add more Badges, simply click on the Guide. There will be Badges (with icons) for achievements related to the Guide, along with specific activities that your Mentees need to complete in order to acquire the badge. To add a new Badge to your Guide, click “Add Badge” and fill out the information. To add an activity, type in the “add activity” and press enter bar and hit enter on your keyboard. For example, an activity for the “Relaxation Skills” Badge could be to “practice one deep breathing technique three times”.

Remember, to have the Guide be visible to the program mentors and mentees, be sure to add it to the Program Guide tab! Once completing the above steps, a Guide has been successfully created and is ready for the program!

Assigning Guides to Mentees

Assigning Guides to Mentees is a critical step in helping them achieve their goals. While Mentors usually handle this task, PMs and MSS can also assign Guides from their MentorHub admin accounts. Once Guides are set up for specific programs, they can be assigned to individual mentees from the admin page. To do this, click on the Mentee tab from the Navigation Bar and select the Mentee’s name to view their profile. The “Guides” tab at the top displays the Guides already assigned to the Mentee. To add a new Guide, click the blue “Add Guide” button, and all Guides added for the program will appear. Select the desired Guide by clicking “Assign Guide” under the corresponding tab. If you want to keep a specific Guide at the top, use the pin icon.

To learn more about a Guide or make changes to its details, simply click on the Guide. Here, you can also find Badges and Activities. Additionally, you have the option to “Grant Badge” to your mentee! To add details for each Activity, click on it and choose the corresponding Goal based on what the Mentor or Mentee has assigned. For example, if a Mentee’s Goal is to “explore my feelings”, then “explore my feelings” would be selected for the Activity “braving big emotions”. You can also assign a due date, provide a brief description, and add comments related to the Activity. If needed, you can unassign a Guide from the main “Guides” section on the Mentee’s profile by clicking on the three dots and selecting “unassign”. Finally, on the “Goals” tab, you can see a list of Activities associated with each Goal under the corresponding Goal name.

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